(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517

School of Management

YIBS - School of Management

The school of management is one of the most sought-after schools that seeks to build a solid foundation in the management-related fields. This school has a focus to build sound innovative technical competencies in the lives of the students in the different specialties.

The specialties under these schools include; Assistant Manager, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Logistics, and Transport Management, Custom & Transit Management, and Management of NGOs.


Assistant Manager

Logistics and Transport Management

Project Management


Human Resource Management

School Contact Info


Carrefour Simbock, Rue Chapelle, Yaoundé, CM.

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Affiliated with the University of Bamenda