(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517
School of Management

Human Resource Management

Program Overview

Coaching, challenging and inspiring confidence in workers to drive performance greatly helps in attaining the strategic objectives of organizations. There is a great need to put in place a formal system designed to manage people in organizations.

Human Resource Management skills are needed to manage and spur people at both the corporate, business unit and operational levels of management. With the need for human resource personnel for job selection, job design, job placement, during recruitments, it is vital to hire the right personnel for the right position at the right time.

YIBS believes that human capital is at the heart of a company’s success. This success is only achieved when the best human capital personnel are employed to recruit, retain and motivate employees to perform excellently. In the course of the training, students are taught compelling techniques on how to hire and manage the right talent.

Upon graduation, the students would be awarded HND certificate in human resource management.

Objective of the Training

This HND program seeks to train specialists in building and developing the human capital of an organisation as well as setting the human resource policies of the organization

Expected Skills

  • Payroll management
  • Control of pay vouchers for workers
  • Establish payslips
  • Administrative follow-up of human resource operations
  • Conduct job selection, job recruitment and job designs
  • Follow-up to outsource service contracts
  • Manage new employee relations
  • Ability to follow-up contracts, absences, leaves and medical visits

School Contact Info


YIBS: Carrefour Simbock, Rue Chapelle, Yaoundé, CM.

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Duration of Program
Target Audiance
Career Opportunities

Duration of Program

This HND training is for a period of two (2) years. Upon completion the student, spend a year to obtain a professional degree.

Target Audiance

  • Advanced Level holders (arts or science)
  • Higher education dropouts
  • 1st Degree holders 
  • Grade 1 teachers (CAPIEM or CAPIET holders)
  • DIPES I & II or DIPET I & II holders
  • Administrative Services officer

  • Compensation and Benefits officer

  • Job Analysis Specialists

  • Human Resources Specialists

  • Labor Relations Specialists

  • Training and Development Officer

Further Studies

Upon obtaining the HND certificate in Human Resource Management, the students could choose to pursue further studies by:

  • spending one more year to earn a degree in human resources management or related fields

  • enrolling in any International Professional Certification program, such as ABE –UK, Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD UK). etc.

  • further details https://www.abeuk.com/