(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517


The Organization’s Beliefs


We are optimistic in what we do and we believe in victory in all our endeavours. We will focus on delivering outstanding high-quality services that bring satisfaction to our students, staff and other key stakeholders. By so doing, we shall grow individually and as an institution.


We believe in a mindset that continuously and actively seeks change by cultivating attitudes that embrace innovation, critical questioning, and quality service. The ultimate goal is to promote creativity, self-reliance, and reduce overburden on the state.


We believe that everyone, irrespective of their socio-economic status, has the right to education and to excel in their professional career. Therefore, through our partners, we shall support everyone, including the underprivileged, to achieve their career aspirations. We shall promote teamwork and embrace all ideas and methods aimed at enhancing quality services and processes.


We believe in establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with customers, vendors and key partners.