(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517

School of Management

YIBS - School of Management

The school of management is one of the most sought-after schools that seek to build a solid foundation in the management-related fields. This school has a focus to build sound innovative technical competencies in the lives of the students in the different specialties. The specialties under these schools include; Assistant Manager, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Logistics, and Transport Management, and Information System Management.


Assistant Manager

Logistics and Transport Management

Project Management

Information Management Systems

Human Resource Management

School Contact Info


Carrefour Simbock, Rue Chapelle, Yaoundé, CM.

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Affiliated with the University of Bamenda