(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517
School of Education

Vocational Guidance and Counseling

Program Overview

Counseling values the importance of developing full human potential and enhancing quality of life within the context of life-long learning. As a result, an overarching social justice approach is emphasized, which includes a strong conceptual foundation, an ethical orientation, and ongoing skills development

Vocational guidance is geared towards young people and adults. In particular, vocational guidance comprises the provision of advice and information about the choice of a career, specifics on individual careers and career requirements, ways of funding vocational education and training, important trends in the world of work, information on the situation and development of the labor market, and advice on how to find employment or a training place. The vocational guidance counselors work together with interested adolescents and young adults to ascertain goals and objectives, and identify vocational opportunities and alternatives.

Systematic career counseling seeks to have a positive influence on the choice of career and thus the future personal and professional life of youth and young adults. Comprehensive information on vocational training, the responsibilities, requirements and prospects associated with various professions, as well as information on employers, ways of accessing and funding vocational training, development and trends in the training and labor market help young people to choose their future career path. Identifying people’s individual interests, skills, competencies and talents is central to making a reliable choice of career.  In this context, information is also provided on job application processes and closing dates for applications.

Objective of the Training

The primary objective is helping students make decisions and choices involved in planning their future careers.

Expected Skills


At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Pilot a unit of production
  • Manage the flow of material and information
  • Manage work in shifts/team work
  • Supervise production and control products
  • Animate a quality system


At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • Analyze a school situation and draw the possible consequences
  • To stimulate self-knowledge, interest and aptitudes as well as the various trades and professions
  • Encourage the emergence of a school and career project
  • Create interest for studies
  • Reduce failure, repetition and school dropout of a course/program
  • Develop skills and abilities that meet the needs of the job market/society
  • Evaluate capabilities and interest and develop attitude towards work
  • Evaluate capabilities and interest and develop attitude towards work
  • Develop readiness for choices and ability to face challenges

School Contact Info


Carrefour Simbock, Rue Chapelle, Yaoundé, CM.

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Duration of Program
Target Audiance
Career Opportunities

Duration of Program

The duration of the program(s) is 18 months made up of 4 semesters.

Target Audiance

  • Advanced Level holders

  • Grade 1 teachers (CAPIEM or CAPIET holders)

  • DIPES I or DIPET I holders

  • DIPES II or DIPET II holders

  • 1st Degree holders

Target Audiance

  • Counseling and professional orientation
  • Planning school life activities
  • Tutorials
  • Follow-up and evaluation of educational projects
  • Analysts of training needs

Further Studies

Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) in this field are eligible for the following:

  • professional Degree (Bachelor’s of Technology) for 9 months;

  • writing entrance into ENSET or ENS level III in their related fields

  • teaching in Teachers’ Training colleges;

  • working in schools and organizations etc.

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