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In our relentless pursuit to provide students with hands-on experience, YIBS is thrilled to announce the Official Partnership Signing ceremony between YIBS and the University Teaching Hospital of Yaounde. This partnership offers invaluable opportunities for students to immerse themselves in real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing their creativity and problem-solving skills to build a better place in...
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Corporate Social Responsibility A Case Study: YIBS STUDENT TESTIMONIAL. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of modern business practices, reflecting a commitment by companies to contribute positively to society. YIBS, a private professional institution, exemplifies the ethos of ‘doing well by doing good’ through its strategic CSR initiatives. Defining CSR at YIBS: YIBS...
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YIBS 2023 GRADUATION CEREMONY; BATCH OF EMMERGING E-NOVATORS AND ENTREPRENEURS Last Saturday, November 25th, 2023, the vibe was alive at the (Yaounde International Business School (YIBS) graduation ceremony. It was an incredible experience, showcasing the release of a remarkable batch of emerging e-novators and entrepreneurs. celebrating their achievement in their HND, Bachelor’s Degree, and MBA...
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As a professional, achieving excellence in your field is essential and one of the key factors in advancing your career is investing in a professional training education.  It’s not only leads to personal fulfillment but also helps you stay competitive in the job market by building a profession/career in you. In Cameroon, there are several...
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