(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517
School of Banking & Finance

Marketing – Trade – Sales

Program Overview

The contingent business environmental challenges make it increasingly imperative for organizations to use innovative experts to formulate, assess and put in place the right marketing strategies, tactics and operations to gain sustainable and competitive advantage. Every profit-seeking or not- for-profit organization needs marketing services to attain their operational and strategic goals. Indeed, marketing and sales services are in high demand, but the availability of marketing and sales technicians are totally lacking in the modern business landscape. The need to train students with the relevant innovative competences in marketing and sales to fill the gap and drive performance in organizations is almost  an urgency.

YIBS finds it necessary to fill this gap by inculcating professional and innovative competences in the students to meet up with the huge needs of the local and global market. At the end of the training, students are awarded HND in Marketing-Trade-Sales.

Objective of the Training

This specialty aims at training experts to effectively and profitably market and sell a firm’s product or services in order to drive performance of an enterprise. It is expected that at the end of the training, the students should be able to acquire skills to develop and market a company’s brand and meet customer’s needs.

Expected Skills

  • Animate a point of sales
  • Understand strategic marketing logic
  • Assist in market survey and market research
  • Negotiate and close good business deals
  • Understand the challenges faced by businesses
  • Develop marketing strategies aligned with the brand
  • Key liaison between product development and buyers
  • Maintain customer relationship for future purchase
  • Develop programs that ensure product sell in store

School Contact Info

Business & Finance

YIBS: Carrefour Simbock, Rue Chapelle, Yaoundé, CM.

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Duration of Program
Target Audiance
Career Opportunities

Duration of Program

This HND training is for a period of two (2) years. Upon completion the student spends a year to obtain a professional degree.

Target Audiance

  • Advanced Level holders (arts or science)

  • Higher education dropouts

  • 1st Degree holders

  • Grade 1 teachers (CAPIEM or CAPIET holders)

  • DIPES I & II or DIPET I & II holders

  • Facilitator of sales

  • Sales representative

  • Animator of a point of sales

  • Marketing manager of micro enterprises

  • Assistant to the marketing manager

  • Customer service officer

  • Business developer

  • Customer relationship officer

Further Studies

Upon obtaining the HND certificate in Marketing-Trade-Sales, the students could choose to pursue further studies by:

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