(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517
School of Computer Engineering

E-Commerce and Digital Marketing

Program Overview

E-commerce and Digital Marketing are indispensable fields in this technologically advanced world. This IT related field is a young and fast-growing field that has broken many barriers as far as business is concerned. Companies and individuals are using E-commerce to buy and sell goods and services online. It has made organizations to invest immensely in this technology and competent people are required to create and manage this technology. In addition, experts also involve in creating online or mobile application or platforms to enable businesses to carry out their business ventures.

Professionals in this field must have hands-on knowledge of the principles of E-commerce, how it functions, how to secure the system and knowledge on web technologies to become an e-commerce developer.

Today, digital marketing has cut across into every field because business processes are evolving rapidly and the expectations are high. Through digital marketing and e-commerce,a huge impact on company performance is created. Company revenues are increasing as the acquisition of customers and enhancement in brand value is enhanced. 

YIBS has experts in this field and it will train you to develop a solid foundation in E-commerce and digital marketing

Objective of the Training

An HND in Digital marketing will provide you with a strong foundation in the core concepts of digital marketing. It will give you an in-depth understanding of how to effectively strategize and implement powerful digital marketing campaigns that translate into visible results. From social media marketing to search engine marketing, you will learn everything you need to excel with your digital marketing career and exploit tremendous opportunities.

Expected Skills

  • Continuously exploit available commercial information to monitor and develop the activity of the business unit in line
  • Constantly adapt e-commerce to the evolution of the market
  • Ensure operating balance and the management of e-business human resources
  • Carry out actions to attract, accommodate and build customer loyalty through repeated sales
  • Develop a commercial offer adapted to the client's specific needs.

School Contact Info

Computer Engineering

YIBS Carrefour Obili
Opposite IRIC Yaoundé, CM

(+237) 670 828 872

Morning sessions: 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.
Evening sessions: 4:30P.M. – 8:30P.M.

Social Info

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Duration of Program
Target Audiance
Career Opportunities

Duration of Program

The HND training is for a period of two (2) years divided into four semesters. Upon completion, the student spends a year to obtain a professional degree.

Target Audiance

Those with science or IT background:

  • Advanced Level holders

  • Higher education dropouts

  • 1st Degree holders

  • Grade 1 teachers

  • DIPES I & II or DIPET I & II holders

  • Content marketer, digital designer, online campaign manager, social media marketer, e-mail marketer,

  • Inbound marketer, social media marketer, digital PR executive,

  • Analytics specialist, acquisition specialist, CRM data analyst, email marketer,

  • Digital strategy planner, digital marketing manager, SEO strategist, etc.

Further Studies

Upon completing an HND in E-commerce, students could choose to pursue further studies by:

  • spending one more year to earn a degree in E-commerce, Database or Information System;

  • Students with an HND can enrol in professional certifications in Big Data, Data Analytics, Web Design, Web Development, Cyber-Security, etc.

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