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What exams do I have to take to complete the ACCA Qualification?

What exams do I have to take to complete the ACCA Qualification?

In order to complete the ACCA Qualification and qualify as an ACCA member, you will need to complete:

  • 14 exams (exemptions are awarded based on qualifications held)
  • 3 years practical work experience
  • the Professional Ethics module


The exams are detailed below:

Fundamentals Papers

Knowledge Module

F1 – Accountant in Business

F2 – Management Accounting

F3 – Financial Accounting

Skills Module

F4 – Corporate and Business Law

F5 – Performance Management

F6 – Taxation

F7 – Financial Reporting

F8 – Audit and Assurance

F9 – Financial Management

Professional Module

P1 – Governance, Risk and Ethics

P2 – Corporate Reporting

P3 – Business Analysis

Options (two to be completed)

P4 – Advanced Financial Management

P5 – Advanced Performance Management

P6 – Advanced Taxation

P7 – Advanced Audit and Assurance

To help demonstrate to potential employers that you can apply your knowledge in the workplace and have practical skills, you are required to complete three years relevant work experience. You can gain your practical experience before, during or after you complete your exams

As part of your ethical development, you are required to complete the Professional Ethics Module. This will give you exposure to a range of ethical perspectives and includes several self-tests which require you to reflect on your own ethical behaviour and values. The module becomes available to you online when you have completed the first three exams of the ACCA Qualification (F1 – Accountant in Business, F2 – Management Accounting and F3 – Financial Accounting), although it is recommended that you complete all nine Fundamentals level exams (F1 – F9) before taking it.

Yaoundé Business School will accompany you in through this journey. Find out more about our fees structure here


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