(+237) 670 828 872 / (+237) 690 865 517

Code of Ethics


We are not only focused on developing competent and innovative professionals but we are also striving to train professionals who have undergone a thorough educational process. We agree with the school of thought that says:

Education = Intelligence + Character

Therefore, the YIBS ethical code outlines the behavior norms (character) expected from its key stakeholders most importantly the STUDENTS. This code of conduct is not exhaustive, as not all possible situations are envisaged herein.

Expected Behaviour Norms


YIBS strongly expects students and other stakeholders to portray a high level of personal integrity as the foundation for a successful education, without which, the diploma and degrees, irrespective of the grades, will be without value and meaning. Students, teachers, and administrative staff are required to:

  • adhere to moral and ethical principles and a sound moral character;
  • being honest and truthful in every aspects of their lives;
  • avoid engaging in dishonesty or misrepresentations;
  • avoid plagiarism when carrying out academic responsibilities;
  • treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect ;
  • have a sense of responsibility and be ready to bear the consequences of their actions.

Responsibilities Towards YIBS

  • Respect the dress code.
  • Do not degrade YIBS premises.
  • Do not eat in areas forbidden by YIBS.
  • Attend classes and avoid self-studies on the YIBS campus.
  • Fulfill all your financial obligations to YIBS and avoid financial dishonesty.
  • Respect the administrators and channel your concerns with respect.
  • No smoking while on campus.
  • Avoid posting posters or messages that are forbidden in any of YIBS communication channels.
  • Use the computer laboratory appropriately.
  • Do not organize any event or classes without prior approval.
  • Alcohol is forbidden in YIBS except during authorized events.
  • Avoid destruction of any YIBS property.
  • Ensure full care of the YIBS IT system and infrastructure.
  • Contribute to building a good image of your institution when dealing with external parties.

Responsibilities Towards Fellow Students and Other Stakeholders

  • Avoid undue interference with the learning process of other students on campus.
  • Should not bully or victimize other students or stakeholders on campus.
  • Completely avoid any form of stealing, be it academic, financial or material things.
  • Be open-minded with the willingness to listen to different ideas and opinions and be able to accommodate varying opinions.
  • Encourage a team spirit by contributing constructively and actively listening and articulating others’ views.

Responsibilities Towards Teachers

  • Meet deadlines for all academic work assigned.
  • Be on time during classes and avoid lateness.
  • Respect their professors and post and/or pose their queries
  • Avoid any form of harassing or bullying an instructor.

 Behaviours Towards Oneself

We encourage the following good practices towards oneself as a student:  

  • strive to become a responsible adult;
  • manage your financial budget well to avoid interruption with your academic program; 
  • always know that you are a student and so, you need to studying order to succeed;
  • live a healthy life by eating well and maintaining good hygienic conditions;
  • avoid drunkenness and drug abuse;
  • do sports frequently to keep fit;
  • accept yourself and avoid unnecessary comparison;
  • be positive towards your goal and objectives;
  • be surrounded by good friends and people to help you towards achieving success; 

exhibit behavior standards that do not endanger others. 


This code of ethical conduct is applicable to all registered students, be them full time, part-time or distance students and implicitly applies to all members of teaching and administrative staff of YIBS.