We are not only focused on developing competent and innovative professionals but we are also striving to train professionals who have undergone a thorough educational process. We agree with the school of thought that says:
Education = Intelligence + Character
Therefore, the YIBS ethical code outlines the behavior norms (character) expected from its key stakeholders most importantly the STUDENTS. This code of conduct is not exhaustive, as not all possible situations are envisaged herein.
YIBS strongly expects students and other stakeholders to portray a high level of personal integrity as the foundation for a successful education, without which, the diploma and degrees, irrespective of the grades, will be without value and meaning. Students, teachers, and administrative staff are required to:
Responsibilities Towards YIBS
Responsibilities Towards Fellow Students and Other Stakeholders
Responsibilities Towards Teachers
Behaviours Towards Oneself
We encourage the following good practices towards oneself as a student:
exhibit behavior standards that do not endanger others.
This code of ethical conduct is applicable to all registered students, be them full time, part-time or distance students and implicitly applies to all members of teaching and administrative staff of YIBS.